Mommy Madness: A Timeless mother's day celebration with Downy

I am so happy that I and my mom were given an invitation from Downy to come and appreciate a day off at The Peninsula, Manila, last week. It's unfortunate that she's currently in Batangas to beat the heat with my family, thus it was only me that went and celebrated with Downy and the unveiling of their newest scent: Timeless.
That this certain scent was inspired upon the sincerity and simplicity of unwavering, genuine love is one reason why I see it tailored to the most timeless persona in our life- our mom.

The Conservatory of The Peninsula Manila was wafting in the subtle scent of said new fabric conditioner, with citrus flavors bringing us back to our memories of a playful childhood, alongside floral scents reminiscent of femininity and is mixed and brought to balance with traces of musk and sandalwood that evoke stability and calmness that perfectly embody what I believe every woman who enters motherhood becomes into- a woman who is both stable and calm, quite feminine with her presence and is playful as a child at heart.

Afterwards, I was surprised(kinda?) with the slideshow of our loved ones holding a fansign of their mother's day message,-for me that would be pichi and my kids, that followed.

Moms and motherhood are the most beautiful and timeless beings that I have ever come to know and experience for my self. When before I was probably too young to actually "get" what the fuss is all about, except that I do know that I want to give my mom a bit of a thank you for what she has done and is doing for me and my siblings, I now appreciate my mom more and am actually crying inside that I'm not able to celebrate said mother's day with her today cause of circumstances (But I'll be sure to plan for next year's festivities and make them happen for sure! ;) )

Thanks for the festivities Downy and Procter and Gamble Philippines! :)
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