Bento Baon Day 1- Puzzling Starships | Mommy Madness
Hi! So over the course of last week, I had an epiphany as I was buying my kid's recess for that day... That I should make it myself instead of buying everyday from the canteen and expenses costing up to 50 pesos per day... So when I went home last wednesday, I stumbled upon these magnificent charabens (short for Character Bento), and decided that I would like to try my hand at this Bento Making thing. :)

Here's Day 1 of my Bento Baon Journey... :3 Obvious why I called it Puzzling Starships, eh? hehe... Read on to know how I did my bento :)
What you see are Buttered Potatoes and Carrots in the shape of a puzzle piece and a couple of potatoes I shaped as stars. I cooked some ham and using a spaceship mold (wrapped in clingwrap for easier handling of the rice), I stuffed the ham in between the rice and made a sort of onigiri(rice ball). For details I added in some strips of cheese, and a star shaped potato as a window. The extra ham I put underneath the puzzles...
Anyways, since I am just starting with bento and I don't have the actual bento tools, I just substituted them for a little knife and my kid's toys like her puzzle piece and her sand mold and other toys that I thought could help me with the bento making thing. And yes, I cleaned them up plus sterilized them as well. :)
What do you guys think? Do you also do bento making? How hard/easy has it been for you? Let me know in the comments below! :)

Here's Day 1 of my Bento Baon Journey... :3 Obvious why I called it Puzzling Starships, eh? hehe... Read on to know how I did my bento :)
What you see are Buttered Potatoes and Carrots in the shape of a puzzle piece and a couple of potatoes I shaped as stars. I cooked some ham and using a spaceship mold (wrapped in clingwrap for easier handling of the rice), I stuffed the ham in between the rice and made a sort of onigiri(rice ball). For details I added in some strips of cheese, and a star shaped potato as a window. The extra ham I put underneath the puzzles...
Anyways, since I am just starting with bento and I don't have the actual bento tools, I just substituted them for a little knife and my kid's toys like her puzzle piece and her sand mold and other toys that I thought could help me with the bento making thing. And yes, I cleaned them up plus sterilized them as well. :)
What do you guys think? Do you also do bento making? How hard/easy has it been for you? Let me know in the comments below! :)
Good job mommy! When the time comes, I should make my own too :)