Bento Baon Day 4: Pig and Cat | Mommy Madness

I was supposed to make it a "Cat and Mouse" theme, but with the time pressure I had cause I had an early work sched for today, plus the only available things on hand were pan de sal and hotdogs, I just tried to make do with what I had. Again. :3

Yeah, I think that I made a weird looking Cat which has the ears of a mouse, but aside from that I'm pretty satisfied with it. Too bad I noticed that Jenae doesn't like eating pan de sal when not hot cause when I got home, she had a whole other piece of pan de sal not eaten. But all of the Fita biscuits were gone, and most of the hotdogs. Huhuhu... #ParentingFail for me. And tomorrow, Jenae has no school but I'll make another post for her snacks... :)

By the way, I made my first purchase intended for bento.. :3 Aren't these cookie cutters cute? I'll use it to shape Jenae's sandwiches.. Next month I plan to go to Robinson's Galleria for the Big Daiso there and get more.. I hope that the Daiso there has those cute Nori Face Punchers, cause it will really make my #Bento life easier hehehe... :3
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