Liebster Award :D and get to know Me better
I was nominated by Mommy Razel of The Bag Investigator! Thanks for the honor :D
UPDATE: I was nominated 10 months ago and I only got around to finishing this now.... #TambakSaDraft hehehe... So sorry!

So here are the RULES:
- You have to link back to the person who nominated you.
– You must answer 11 questions given to you by the person that nominated you.
After completing these questions, you must nominate 11 bloggers and give them 11 questions of your choice.
– You must not nominate the person who nominates you.
– You must let your nominees know that they have been nominated and provide a link to your post for them so that they can learn about the nomination.
Questions and Answers:
1. Why and how long ago did you start blogging?
I started blogging cause I wanted to record my journey into the modeling world (circa December 2011), then I decided that it wasn't for me, but I loved to write and do makeup, so it stuck with me. I started blogging around February of 2012, then stopped by late 2013 and now I'm back again, not just for makeup but for food and fashion as well...
2. What is your favorite book or movie?
My favorite book would be the Harry Potter Series, Gabriel's Inferno Series (cause the Dante referrals are so educational while reading a tragic love story on the side hehehe) and also This is a Crazy Planets 1 and 2. Sorry but when it comes to books I can't have just one, cause there are a lot of great reads available hehe... As for my favorite movies(I have two) Kasal, Kasali, Kasalo and My Amnesia Girl cause both movies hit most realities of my relationship and family status. :D
3. Is there something you learned late in your blog journey that you wished you knew before?
I wish on a falling star that I got to wordpress first rather than have a painstaiking experience of manually importing all the other posts from my previous blog. Oh, and that I wish I was more of a people person then in personal. Oh well, you live and learn. :D
4. What us your favorite past time other than blogging?
Drawing in my visual journal, (visit Chic Art to check out a few of my drawings please!) listening to Pentatonix or rock songs, and taking photos/ editing photos. If I get my guitar back from my siblings, I may be practicing it too. :D
5. How many hours per week do you dedicate to your blog?
I usually spend an equivalent of 3 days per week(in part) in front of the laptop for blogposts and commenting and an hour or two for checking emails and commenting.
6. What category of blog posts do you enjoy the most?
Beauty and food related posts always blow my mind to bits. :D
7. Where does your blog inspiration come from?
It comes from everyday life and experience, and the little things that make me smile like my kids, or seeing my artwork to life through makeup or experimenting new flavors via cooking.
8. What is your favorite post that you have written?
Naku, mukang infinity symbol yung hinihingi ng question na ito ah... but seriously, I think the most favorite of mine is the one about my first hand experience on bullying and the next would be my Cinemajam 2013 Post. Oh and the review I did with Planet grapes and SF Bistro. I just love wine and SF Bistro is my very first actual food review :3
9. Is there any post that you have been planning to do but kept postponing for a while now?
Aside from this one? hehehe...I think every writer/blogger has that. For me it's about tutorials on makeup and other tips I have learned. Nakalista nga sa notebook ko eh. di ko pa lang naasikaso...
10. How did your friends and family react when you first started your blog, and what they think about it now?
Only my husband was supportive of me the first time, everyone else kept feeding me negativity. That's one of the reasons I stopped. Buti na lang Pichi is very very supportive and kinulit niya ako na bumalik :D Unfortunately, until now my family is unsupportive kasi daw mapapabayaan ko yung mga anak ko. Hello? Balance! Besides, sila nga hindi nila nabigyan ng time of the day yung anak nila eh.. okay I'm ranting na.. :D
11. Which blog post of mine do you like the most?
The kut-Quotera posts and that one time you posted about being a teenage mom. It hit home for me :D
Okay, so now I'll be changing a few of the questions.. A few lang naman. :)
1. Why and how long ago did you start blogging?
2. What is your favorite book and movie?
3.What is your favorite post that you have written?
4. What is your favorite past time other than blogging?
5. Where does your blog inspiration come from?
6. Who's your favorite childhood anime/cartoon characters?
7. If you can meet a dead person and will him/her to live, who would you choose and why?
8. Have you ever tried doing a Cosplay? If you can, which character would you choose and why?
9. How do you find relaxation in this world?
10. How did your friends and family react when you first started your blog, and what they think about it now?
11. Which blog post of mine do you like the most?
Krystaline of Unfolded by Xtal
Jean of
Millie of Not Your Ordinary Mum
Charity of Traveling Mind 2 Anywhere
Angeline of The Wonder Woman Rises
Aci of Life of Aci
Lee of I Love Paars
Kaycee of Kikay si Kat
Sam of Dishysammy
Eloisa of Kikay si Maria
Mish of LBD and Onesies
UPDATE: I was nominated 10 months ago and I only got around to finishing this now.... #TambakSaDraft hehehe... So sorry!

So here are the RULES:
- You have to link back to the person who nominated you.
– You must answer 11 questions given to you by the person that nominated you.
After completing these questions, you must nominate 11 bloggers and give them 11 questions of your choice.
– You must not nominate the person who nominates you.
– You must let your nominees know that they have been nominated and provide a link to your post for them so that they can learn about the nomination.
Questions and Answers:
1. Why and how long ago did you start blogging?
I started blogging cause I wanted to record my journey into the modeling world (circa December 2011), then I decided that it wasn't for me, but I loved to write and do makeup, so it stuck with me. I started blogging around February of 2012, then stopped by late 2013 and now I'm back again, not just for makeup but for food and fashion as well...
2. What is your favorite book or movie?
My favorite book would be the Harry Potter Series, Gabriel's Inferno Series (cause the Dante referrals are so educational while reading a tragic love story on the side hehehe) and also This is a Crazy Planets 1 and 2. Sorry but when it comes to books I can't have just one, cause there are a lot of great reads available hehe... As for my favorite movies(I have two) Kasal, Kasali, Kasalo and My Amnesia Girl cause both movies hit most realities of my relationship and family status. :D
3. Is there something you learned late in your blog journey that you wished you knew before?
I wish on a falling star that I got to wordpress first rather than have a painstaiking experience of manually importing all the other posts from my previous blog. Oh, and that I wish I was more of a people person then in personal. Oh well, you live and learn. :D
4. What us your favorite past time other than blogging?
Drawing in my visual journal, (visit Chic Art to check out a few of my drawings please!) listening to Pentatonix or rock songs, and taking photos/ editing photos. If I get my guitar back from my siblings, I may be practicing it too. :D
5. How many hours per week do you dedicate to your blog?
I usually spend an equivalent of 3 days per week(in part) in front of the laptop for blogposts and commenting and an hour or two for checking emails and commenting.
6. What category of blog posts do you enjoy the most?
Beauty and food related posts always blow my mind to bits. :D
7. Where does your blog inspiration come from?
It comes from everyday life and experience, and the little things that make me smile like my kids, or seeing my artwork to life through makeup or experimenting new flavors via cooking.
8. What is your favorite post that you have written?
Naku, mukang infinity symbol yung hinihingi ng question na ito ah... but seriously, I think the most favorite of mine is the one about my first hand experience on bullying and the next would be my Cinemajam 2013 Post. Oh and the review I did with Planet grapes and SF Bistro. I just love wine and SF Bistro is my very first actual food review :3
9. Is there any post that you have been planning to do but kept postponing for a while now?
Aside from this one? hehehe...I think every writer/blogger has that. For me it's about tutorials on makeup and other tips I have learned. Nakalista nga sa notebook ko eh. di ko pa lang naasikaso...
10. How did your friends and family react when you first started your blog, and what they think about it now?
Only my husband was supportive of me the first time, everyone else kept feeding me negativity. That's one of the reasons I stopped. Buti na lang Pichi is very very supportive and kinulit niya ako na bumalik :D Unfortunately, until now my family is unsupportive kasi daw mapapabayaan ko yung mga anak ko. Hello? Balance! Besides, sila nga hindi nila nabigyan ng time of the day yung anak nila eh.. okay I'm ranting na.. :D
11. Which blog post of mine do you like the most?
The kut-Quotera posts and that one time you posted about being a teenage mom. It hit home for me :D
Okay, so now I'll be changing a few of the questions.. A few lang naman. :)
1. Why and how long ago did you start blogging?
2. What is your favorite book and movie?
3.What is your favorite post that you have written?
4. What is your favorite past time other than blogging?
5. Where does your blog inspiration come from?
6. Who's your favorite childhood anime/cartoon characters?
7. If you can meet a dead person and will him/her to live, who would you choose and why?
8. Have you ever tried doing a Cosplay? If you can, which character would you choose and why?
9. How do you find relaxation in this world?
10. How did your friends and family react when you first started your blog, and what they think about it now?
11. Which blog post of mine do you like the most?
Krystaline of Unfolded by Xtal
Jean of
Millie of Not Your Ordinary Mum
Charity of Traveling Mind 2 Anywhere
Angeline of The Wonder Woman Rises
Aci of Life of Aci
Lee of I Love Paars
Kaycee of Kikay si Kat
Sam of Dishysammy
Eloisa of Kikay si Maria
Mish of LBD and Onesies
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