5 Interesting Ways to Use Alcohol
I LOVE using alcohol as sanitizers. Because I'm really sure that 99.9% of those pesky microbugs, bacteria and viruses are gone when I use them.

Now, you may think that alcohol is pretty drying and strong if it's that great at killing pesky microbugs and viruses, but there is a certain brand of rubbing alcohol that loves your skin back. And Me? I love it to bits because it's not drying!

Alcoplus has Active Germ Defense that does just that. Apart from its lab tested superb killing action against germs, bacteria, and viruses, Alcoplus has the plus factor advantage with its 3 added actives-- Tea Tree Oil, Moisturizer, and Vitamin E. Smells much like a clean moisturizer. :D

Lagkit feels when you're on the daily commute, with sweat, dust and who knows what else sticking on to our skin makes us smell a bit. Usually, I'd spray perfume/cologne to lessen the impact, but if you forgot to bring it, you can use Alcoplus Ethyl Alcohol variant. This baby smells like a premium delicate fragrance you would love like to use when you go somewhere special.
To prevent your neck from staining your shirt collar, wipe your neck with rubbing alcohol each morning before you dress. Feels good too.

Yes, to those who use makeup, we should not just clean up brushes and sponges and prep our face to avoid pimples and bad skin... We also have to clean up the actual makeup, especially if someone else uses it aside from you. A little spritz of Alcoplus and wiping off the surface with tissue will lessen the bacteria forming on our powder makeups and lippies. I use the Isopropyl Variant of Alcoplus to clean up my my makeup because it smells very clean and crisp, and Alcoplus' Tea Tree Oil feature gives prolonged protection compared to other regular rubbing alcohols. That means, even if you touch a surface after using Alcoplus, germs won't cling to your hands as easily.
Rubbing alcohol is also great for removing those sticky residue that's left behind your things from price tags, stickers or band aids. :D Just soak the area for a few minutes, or dab onto skin, and wipe clean.

This one I got from Azrael of Azrael's Merryland. He said that one time, they used the alcohol they had to start a fire for their dinner while on the beach. So for backpackers and those who love to go camping and make hugot, here's a better alternative to stinky gas when starting your campfire. :D

Now, you may think that alcohol is pretty drying and strong if it's that great at killing pesky microbugs and viruses, but there is a certain brand of rubbing alcohol that loves your skin back. And Me? I love it to bits because it's not drying!

Alcoplus has Active Germ Defense that does just that. Apart from its lab tested superb killing action against germs, bacteria, and viruses, Alcoplus has the plus factor advantage with its 3 added actives-- Tea Tree Oil, Moisturizer, and Vitamin E. Smells much like a clean moisturizer. :D
As for the interesting ways to use alcohol... Here's how I use them:
As an emergency perfume.

Lagkit feels when you're on the daily commute, with sweat, dust and who knows what else sticking on to our skin makes us smell a bit. Usually, I'd spray perfume/cologne to lessen the impact, but if you forgot to bring it, you can use Alcoplus Ethyl Alcohol variant. This baby smells like a premium delicate fragrance you would love like to use when you go somewhere special.
Prevent ring around the collar
To prevent your neck from staining your shirt collar, wipe your neck with rubbing alcohol each morning before you dress. Feels good too.
Makeup Cleaner

Yes, to those who use makeup, we should not just clean up brushes and sponges and prep our face to avoid pimples and bad skin... We also have to clean up the actual makeup, especially if someone else uses it aside from you. A little spritz of Alcoplus and wiping off the surface with tissue will lessen the bacteria forming on our powder makeups and lippies. I use the Isopropyl Variant of Alcoplus to clean up my my makeup because it smells very clean and crisp, and Alcoplus' Tea Tree Oil feature gives prolonged protection compared to other regular rubbing alcohols. That means, even if you touch a surface after using Alcoplus, germs won't cling to your hands as easily.
Sticky NO MORE
Rubbing alcohol is also great for removing those sticky residue that's left behind your things from price tags, stickers or band aids. :D Just soak the area for a few minutes, or dab onto skin, and wipe clean.
Start The Fire!
This one I got from Azrael of Azrael's Merryland. He said that one time, they used the alcohol they had to start a fire for their dinner while on the beach. So for backpackers and those who love to go camping and make hugot, here's a better alternative to stinky gas when starting your campfire. :D
Those are great tips! I never thought that there is an alcohol that we can use that will not dry our skin. I don't use much alcohol because it easily make my skin dry. I will look for AlcoPlus when I go to the grocery store and will try it for myself as well. Thanks for sharing.