Peek at these NEW BOOK COVERS for J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Series 20th Anniversary
A girl who was crying in her school, found some solace and security in the library. Things started getting better, and her heart found a way to heal through the bullying with a weird looking book, this boy on a broomstick with round glasses and the words "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone".

Seven books, two generations and 20 years later, people around the world discovered, fell in love and grew up with Harry, Ron and Hermione. Celebrating 20 years of Harry Potter's story and world, Scholastic is treating Potterheads to the brand new 20th anniversary covers of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, with illustrations by worldwide best selling author, award winning artist and proud Hufflepuff, Brian Selznick. These new paperback editions have been released last June 26th 2018.

Unlike usual book covers, these covers don't just tell one story. It becomes a full picture once you put them side by side in chronological order, much like how that snitch "opened at the close". The black and white with jewel toned color style feels much like a commemoration of the battles, hardships, wins and magic that Harry Potter and his friends have went through.

If you're as sharp as Hermione or Luna, you can definitely see some easter eggs scattered all over these covers. Aside from the thrilling moments you can also spot some important items in the covers like Hermione's time turner and many more.

I love these covers, because I feel like I'm rediscovering the magic that helped my heart to stay sane and alive throughout my own battles. Getting the feel of these books though, takes me back to those times I would walk to the canteen with a book in my hand, reading while walking. Hahaha! Yes, I was that immersed in the series.
And I hope you too can experience the magic, or at least celebrate J.K. Rowling and Harry's birthday this coming July 31st by getting a full set of these babies for you or your kid as well. This set is a great gift for you and yourself and I hope we all get to have a wonderful time getting immersed and rediscovering the magic of Hogwarts in these new book covers.
PS: That girl I was talking about earlier? that was me and my Harry Potter story. What's yours? :)
Oh, my, 20 years already?! I remember when I was in high school, we’d go gaga over a newly released HP book. And those were the hardcover ones, bulky and expensive af. With these new ones, I might hoard them!
ReplyDeleteTrue, the first ones were the hardcover ones, and because they are the pricier ones I always opt to just borrow from the library. I attempted a collection once, already had 2 books but they were damaged by flooding in our area. I'm taking extra better care of these ones though. hahaha