Children Explore Cooking at the San Miguel Purefoods Kids Kitchen Camp 2019

I especially loved the part that jenae even made Spaghetti Tacos. Her reasoning: No more plate, so she used the tacos as a container for her to eat the spaghetti. The concoction tasted really good actually!

She and other kiddos really loved their day out. While I'm sure the chefs who assisted them and taught them a couple more tricks in the kitchen are puckered out, we all had a fun time.

In the end, kids received their certificates of completion and I'm now being buggered by Jenae to help her make some more of that spaghetti, made more delicious with Monterrey Ground Pork, Purefoods Tender Juicy Hotdogs Jumbo and Magnolia Cheezee. :D Gotta love San Miguel Purefoods for showing us that making your favorite foods are always a breeze with their products.

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