DisipliNAIA Civility Campaign Reminds NAIA Manila Airport Citizens to be Mindful in their actions towards others
Recently, there has been quite a lot of travelers in and out of our country, with the trend of travelling as a way
to soothe our souls. Unfortunately, complains about airport citizens who cannot seem to pick up one's trash, get in a proper line for check in or even follow airport security protocols is abundant as well in the internet.
#DisipliNAIA is the Manila International Airport Authority's response to these complains. The civility campaign aims to remind people to become good airport citizens and having mindfulness in our actions. Airports are usual places filled with stress and emotions from catching one's flight, or saying goodbye to loved ones. This makes airport citizens nervous and edgy, which turn quickly into irritability, shortness of temper, and disregard for rules and decency.
This aituation though does not excuse us though on trying to control ourselves, on not putting trash in the proper place or not following usual airport security protocols.
Manila International Airport Authority are trying to patch things up on their end with the NAIA airport workers, the MIAA and the NAIA people also wish to remind fellow passengers that we should always stay respectful to others and do what is right and proper- even if no one is looking.

The DisipliNAIA campaign is led by MIAA General Manager Ed Monreal, who hopes that with this, we can return to our Filipino positive values, especially respect for other people and mindfulness of one's action at all times. "We are going back to basics - basic in a sense na gawin natin ang tama, ang nararapat, even when nobody is watching, even without people telling us what to do. There may be cynics who would say that the initiative might not take off. Fine, but the important thing is we are doing something, we are responding to the demand of the times. Culture is difficult to change because as we all say, that's what we grew up with. But if we are all in this together, nothing is impossible to achieve," GM Monreal said.
As a start, the MIAA will be installing some signages and reminders in and around the airport- on giving seats to people- not your bags, on picking up one's trash or at least leaving it inside the bins scattered around the airport, and maybe one or two signages on falling in line properly and pag iwas sa gitgitan in the parking area. Videos, and billboards will also be present to remind them that they are in the #DisipliNAIA zone, and as such must observe respect and mindfulness towards other people and towards airport facilities.
The Manila International Airport Authority will also conduct regular civility and service excellence workshops among thousands of its employees, partners, and stakeholders. But of course, this will all be moot if we- the passengers and airport citizens do not do our part in the campaign as well.
"There's no intention of giving out memos," GM Monreal assured the MIAA administration and staff. "That's the reason why we're having this DisipliNAIA. Even without penalties or sanctions, we should take upon ourselves our own responsibility to comply with what is required of us."
If we remember to be mindful of our actions to other people as well, we will be rewarded eventually with a better working system which will benefit all airport citizens. And this campaign should not just encompass the Manila airports- we should all just apply it in our daily lives.
We did want a better country, a better Philippines to be honest. But change stems from within ourselves. We should all remember to not be too entitled and have some #DisipliNAIA, #NowNa

#DisipliNAIA is the Manila International Airport Authority's response to these complains. The civility campaign aims to remind people to become good airport citizens and having mindfulness in our actions. Airports are usual places filled with stress and emotions from catching one's flight, or saying goodbye to loved ones. This makes airport citizens nervous and edgy, which turn quickly into irritability, shortness of temper, and disregard for rules and decency.

This aituation though does not excuse us though on trying to control ourselves, on not putting trash in the proper place or not following usual airport security protocols.
Manila International Airport Authority are trying to patch things up on their end with the NAIA airport workers, the MIAA and the NAIA people also wish to remind fellow passengers that we should always stay respectful to others and do what is right and proper- even if no one is looking.

The DisipliNAIA campaign is led by MIAA General Manager Ed Monreal, who hopes that with this, we can return to our Filipino positive values, especially respect for other people and mindfulness of one's action at all times. "We are going back to basics - basic in a sense na gawin natin ang tama, ang nararapat, even when nobody is watching, even without people telling us what to do. There may be cynics who would say that the initiative might not take off. Fine, but the important thing is we are doing something, we are responding to the demand of the times. Culture is difficult to change because as we all say, that's what we grew up with. But if we are all in this together, nothing is impossible to achieve," GM Monreal said.

As a start, the MIAA will be installing some signages and reminders in and around the airport- on giving seats to people- not your bags, on picking up one's trash or at least leaving it inside the bins scattered around the airport, and maybe one or two signages on falling in line properly and pag iwas sa gitgitan in the parking area. Videos, and billboards will also be present to remind them that they are in the #DisipliNAIA zone, and as such must observe respect and mindfulness towards other people and towards airport facilities.
The Manila International Airport Authority will also conduct regular civility and service excellence workshops among thousands of its employees, partners, and stakeholders. But of course, this will all be moot if we- the passengers and airport citizens do not do our part in the campaign as well.
"There's no intention of giving out memos," GM Monreal assured the MIAA administration and staff. "That's the reason why we're having this DisipliNAIA. Even without penalties or sanctions, we should take upon ourselves our own responsibility to comply with what is required of us."
If we remember to be mindful of our actions to other people as well, we will be rewarded eventually with a better working system which will benefit all airport citizens. And this campaign should not just encompass the Manila airports- we should all just apply it in our daily lives.

We did want a better country, a better Philippines to be honest. But change stems from within ourselves. We should all remember to not be too entitled and have some #DisipliNAIA, #NowNa
Sana magtuluy tuloy na talaga to. Looking forward for a better future it is! Bawasan na nung iba ang pagiging entitled.