Chic What?
Hello! I'm Nix and this is my little nook on the internet!
I am into writing, makeup and photography. ChicMix is here because I want to share and reignite my passion with makeup and fashion, and also to document the things that run through my mind as a woman juggling being an adult and mom of two.

What I share here are my 100% honest opinions and experiences on a certain product like makeup, clothes, skincare or whatnot, and all of them are purchased by me unless otherwise stated... Oh, and that each and everyone of us is made unique so if one thing worked wonderfully for me, it might not have the same results for you... Okay?
Remember to mix it up and give a smile! ;)
For collaborations, campaigns, suggestions, and any other thing that popped in your mind to ask me, please don't hesitate to reach me through